Thursday, March 16, 2017

1800s Technology

 Throughout the years technology has changed so much, like the phone, nearly everything has been made mostly for business but is very often used just for entertainment and, most people believe, can be a huge waste of time. Around the 1870s a man named Alexander Graham Bell, a twenty nine year old teacher from Scotland invented the telephone. It is amazing how much this invention has revolutionized communication and how it has changed. Alexander Bell's father, Alexander Melville Bell, was the inventor of visible speech which is an alphabet that used symbols to represent human sounds. They both accomplished many things. By 1886, over one hundred and fifty thousand people in the United States owned telephones, numerous improvements were made and that emerged the telephones to be one of the most successful products ever.
They went from early telephones with the hand cranked generator, to the elegant candlestick telephone, to digital but has always been as much as a fashion statement as a practical communicator. Alexander's entire life was spent discovering and creating, he had so much passion for everything he did. Technology has always had a great impact on both students and teachers. It has enriched our lives and enlightened our minds, people tend to be over-reliant on it, so much that they can't even imagine life without it. Change will continue to happen as the years go by and new/more updated technology will be created and needed.


Around the 1880s the transition from men making horse drawn vehicles to vehicles with an internal engine begins. The exact year of when cars were invented is debatable but the first powered car was built by Siegfried Samuel Marcus. It is now preserved and can be seen at the Technical Museum of Vienna. This was obviously not the easiest car to use, the clutch on the car had to be constantly operated with one hand while the other hand had to be steering the car with the crank, and regulating the fuel mixture with another knob.
In 1886, Karl Friedrich Benz, introduced his motor car to the public and it took him around three years of difficult work to persuade people that his invention was and will be needed for everyone's everyday life. Many were not really all excited about this new invention because there was already established competition. That included electric vehicles, steam carriages, and hydrogen powered cars. Inventors wanted to find a way to go from place to place without the use of animals. Horses needed lots of care, food, and they could not be switched off.
Cars are changing, just like phones along with many other things, and they are getting smarter while I believe that we are getting much lazier because we have all these things doing so much for us. We live in a time where you no longer need maps or you don't even really have to remember streets or freeways because all you can do is type in a location in your phone and it will guide you there. Cars are getting fancier and much more expensive. People spend all this money on all these sumptuous, luxurious things but most of the people that buy them do not necessarily need them.
Joseph Nicéphore Niépce built a boat that was propelled by an internal combustion engine, the engine was named  Pyréolophore.
Moritz Herman von Jacobi built the first electric motor, he used electricity to generate the phenomenon of a magnetic field. The engine needed very few parts and did not even require physical contact with each other but I believe it did not work out very well in the beginning. It needed some improvements.
By the beginning of the twentieth century automobiles became a mass-product, everything changed completely. The rebuilding and conversion of roads began and rules for traffic had to be made. Horses were no longer needed for what the cars are now able to do. Now that these fascinating things were being invented, tanks, armored ships, and tank transporters were built for the war.
There are both positive and negative effects in the invention of automobiles. They are very useful and helpful. They allow us to go to school, work, hospitals, stores, and allow us to travel to many beautiful places. Of course they can be dangerous, car accidents can occur and pollution can affect our health but the good definitely outweighs the bad because cars, trucks, trains, buses, motorcycles, all of that will always be needed. The fact that they are a bit harmful and cause problems to our environment is something that can be solved. Without vehicles we would not have certain types of food out here and as I mentioned before, we would not be able to travel. Yes there are planes but some people prefer driving. Common means of transportation are provided, whether you are going far or you are doing a short trip to the grocery store, running some errands. One amazing thing about it is that there are different kinds of cars. You can buy a sports car, a luxury car, family-oriented, small or large so say you have a small garage you can always get a small car that will fit in there. Maybe you like speed, you can always just get a sports car or maybe you like the way you feel driving a big truck. But that what is so cool about it, there are so many options and you can do what you need to do in something amazing. In the event of an emergency it is ready to go. Freedom and independence can be enjoyed.

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